Click on the logo at left for a site map
(includes Oregon
Curriculum Network)
Synergetics by R. Buckminster Fuller
Thanks to Robert Gray, long
time Fuller scholar, and E.J. Applewhite, Fuller's chief collaborator
on Synergetics, plus a green light from the Estate of Buckminster
Fuller (EBF), we
now have the full text of both volumes, plus the graphics, on the web.
Chris Fearnley has set up a mirror
at SNEC.
A Fuller Explanation
by Amy Edmondson
Amy's book was the first book-length exploration of Fuller's geometry
of thinking.
Richard Hawkins
Digital Archive
An inventory of QuickTime animations and other graphic works
relevant to students of synergetics.
A (Bucky)
Fuller Universe
Part of the Hearingvoices
website, includes audio clips of Amy Edmondson, Kenneth Snelson, E.J.
Applewhite, John Cage and others.
The Fuller FAQ
by Chris Fearnley.
Lots of good information, much of it culled from conversations on
Geodesic, a listserv for discussing Bucky's stuff (see
Synergeo Yahoo Group
An unmoderated, publicly
archived mailing list (only subscribers can post), for all those interested
in synergetics and other topics related to R. Buckminster Fuller's work.
Set up by Ken Brown in March, 2000 to fill the void left by Synergetics-L.
Tim Tyler's Springie: a Java
Applet with an optional jar-file download, for doing Elastic Interval
Geometry (EIG).
Darwin @ Home is
Gerald de Jong's evolving master work. Gerald is the originator of EIG,
with acknowledgment to Kenneth
Snelson as influential.
Buckminster Fuller Virtual Institute by Joe Moore
A detailed collection of ideas and pointers to the literature, the
result of many years of research. Joe's artwork is both friendly
and folksy, and a serious contribution to communicating our design
science approach to global problem-solving.
Antiprism by Adrian
A set of open source programs for generating, manipulating, transforming and visualising polyhedra.
Buckminster Fuller
Web site devoted to advancing Humanity’s Option for Success, inspired
by the principles articulated by Buckminster Fuller. Includes on-line
OS Earth
Thinking Out Loud
Public television WNET website, produced with assistance from Bonnie DeVarco, and
in conjunction with the broadcast of documentary film by Simon
& Goodman. The site features pages by J. Baldwin, Allegra Fuller Snyder,
E.J. Applewhite and
others, plus QuickTime movies, and a Forum.
Archival dome lists:
Domesteading: archived
list for the people interested in living in domes (1997 - 2003)
Geodesic: listserv for the discussion of Buckminster Fuller's works.
Formerly hosted at the University of Buffalo. Newsgroup
archive. Patrrick
Salsbury archive.
Synergetics on the
maintained by Kirby Urner